Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How 'bout flooding BEFORE the Hurricane even hits us???

I received this press release from the Mayor's Office this morning. They are saying that tomorrow, WAY BEFORE Hurricane Irene hits us on Saturday or Sunday, there is going to be ANOTHER storm. And considering how water-logged we are already, they're expecting it to be floods.
The Woodbridge Township Office of Emergency Management and the National Weather Service has issued a storm and flood watch advisory for Thurs., Aug. 25, 2011This alert is unrelated to Hurricane Irene which is not expected to impact the Woodbridge Township area until Sat., Aug. 27.  The Woodbridge Township Office of Emergency Management will issue a separate advisory regarding Hurricane Irene.

The National Weather Service reports that a cold front is expected to move through the state on Thurs., Aug. 25, 2011.  Thunderstorms with strong winds and heavy rains are forecast for the afternoon and evening hours of Thurs., Aug. 25 into Fri., Aug. 26.  It is anticipated that the storm – which is unrelated to Hurricane Irene – will produce more than 2+ inches of rain in the Woodbridge area, accompanied by heavy wind gusts, with the potential for flash-flooding along creeks and streams and in low-lying areas and streets routinely subject to flooding.

I'll keep an eye on the creek for ya. Maybe I'll even get a few photos, who knows?
And let me know if you hear anything about locusts...


  1. I almost chose this video because I like Eric Clapton but I sing better to the Jim Reeves one. Stay safe during the storm, she is going to be a nasty girl. Will visit again.

  2. Thanks Linda! I'll be glad to see you around here ...
    And the video was a great idea, borrowed from you I admit! :)
