Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good Morning!

Manifest plainness,
Embrace simplicity,
Reduce selfishness,
Have few desires.
-- Lao-tzu, "The Way of Lao-Tzu" (c. 604-531 BC)


  1. i wont tell you how many nights i have sat like that, my face presented to the toilet bowl.
    manifest plainness: i have spent most of my life trying to be unplain. because in my mind, i equate plain with ordinary.
    embrace simplicity: good advice. when something becomes complicated, it's probably wrong. unless it's something to do with science. when love becomes complicated, its probably toime to walk.
    reduce selfishness: oggg. that's the hardest. i'm self-indulgent. it's different than being selfish. but i can't help it. i'm not entirely selfish though.
    have few desires: impossible. i can't do it. i can't make my mind a blank slate. i can't unfeel a hurt. i want more than i'm worth.
    does that mean i'm a bad person? no.
    unenlightened? perhaps.
    if i'm reincarnated, i'd probably do it the same way again.
    it's a fallacy to think you'll learn where to step because you'll just step in it anyway.
    the girl in the picture, the one with her face in the bowl... i wonder what she desires.
    is she me, or is she you? or is she both of us, black and white and gray, selfish and giving, complicated and simple at the same time?

  2. Sera - I read your comment and hit publish, and yet it disappeared? I have no idea why.
    I hope all is well with you... the morning is usually brighter for me, I hope the same is true for you.
    For me, the quote is quite true, at least as far as my goals... if I had less wants and needs, I could get by with far less, and the job I'm losing maybe wouldn't be missed.
    For me, the girl is sitting and waiting for the universe to provide. Her cup isn't overflowing, and yet it is full, thanks to the rain that has fallen from the sky.

  3. Now your comment appeared again, I'm glad to see! And I certainly don't think we are bad people, but you are right when you say we are all black and white and gray, selfish and giving, complicated and simple at the same time. But I think that art is more beautiful when there are many contrasts, shadows and highlights. And maybe people are more interesting when they are passionate and loving and flawed and imperfect.
