Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blood Drive Today

John F. Kennedy High School is having a blood drive all day today, and both students and local residents are welcome to participate. Giving blood is a great thing you can do... it will literally save a life... and it's actually pretty simple. The blood drive at JFK is organized by the National Honor Society, and in this photo are four of Kennedy's NHS members - from right, Emily Moss, Melinda Lin, Krishna Kashiwala, and Cristina Rojas.

When I asked how they were doing so far today, Emily Moss replied that they are doing pretty well, but that they really hope for a lot more people to come out because "some people who want to give won't be able to, like if they are under the weight requirement, or if they haven't had breakfast." She also suggested "Don't forget to bring a photo ID and know your social security number," for the forms that need to be filled out.
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