Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Heat Alert Advisory

Mayor John E. McCormac today announced that there is a “Heat Alert” advisory for Tues., July 12 thru Thurs., July 14, 2011 as temperatures are expected to climb to near record highs of 100 degrees, combined with extremely high humidity.

As a result of the advisory, Woodbridge Township has established “cooling centers” at various Township facilities at various municipal buildings and senior centers – locations where Senior residents can get air-conditioned relief from the predicted heat and humidity. Residents without air conditioning and who cannot travel should contact the Division on Aging “Beat the Heat” program at 732-855-0600 x5023 or the Woodbridge Police Department at 732-634-7700 for assistance.

Woodbridge Township Cooling Centers are located at the following locations. Residents are urged to contact the Municipal facility to determine hours of operation.

In Iselin - the Iselin Branch Library, 1081 Green Street, Iselin (732) 726-7073

or throughout Woodbridge Township at:

Woodbridge Community Center at the YMCA, 600 Main Street , Woodbridge
Evergreen Senior Center , 400 Inman Avenue , Colonia 732-388-2736
Community Center (Building 20) at the Bunns Lane Housing Development, Bunns Lane , Woodbridge Main Library, 1 George Frederick Plaza
Fords Branch Library, 211 Ford Avenue : 732-726-7071
Henry Inman Branch Library (Colonia), 607 Inman Avenue : 732-726-7072
Woodbridge Health Center , 2 George Frederick Plaza (732-855-0600 x5023)
Woodbridge Town Hall, One Main Street : 732-634-4500

Woodbridge Township residents can contact the Division on Aging directly at 732-855-0600 x5016 or Multi-Services on Aging at the Evergreen Center at 732-382-4700 for more information and referrals to local facilities that can assist residents.
Mayor McCormac suggested that residents look out for neighbors, senior residents, and family members during periods of extreme heat. “If you know someone who may be at risk for heat stress, take a few minutes to check on them periodically throughout the day and night. You may be saving a life,” Mayor McCormac said.

The Division on Aging is again sponsoring the “Beat the Heat” fan donation program.  Each summer the Division on Aging reaches out to community associations, the business community, and residents seeking donations of new fans to assist senior residents or low income families without air conditioning or fans. To be eligible to receive a free fan from the “Beat the Heat” program, applicants must be a resident of Woodbridge Township , not have any cooling device or, due to illness and/or disability, cannot leave the residence to go to a cooling center, and complete a request/eligibility form. To apply for the “Beat the Heat” Program, or to donate a fan, contact the Woodbridge Division on Aging, Health Center, 2 George Frederick Plaza at 732-855-0600 x5023 (Mon.-Fri. from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
The Woodbridge Township Office of Emergency Management offered the following “heat alert” suggestions:
  • Remain indoors, in a properly ventilated location, as much as possible;
  • If you must go out, do so early or late; wear sunscreen and clothing to protect exposed skin;
  • Keep a supply of drinking water and prepared foods
  • Avoid use of stoves or ovens;
  • Avoid outdoor activities; and
  • Be a good neighbor and check on family and friends.

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