Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dreaming of the Prom

This is the time of year that big plans are being made for PROM...
Kennedy's prom is scheduled for early in June.  It's such an exciting night, and the RIGHT DRESS can mean a lot to a girl.  Some girls, though, might be having some trouble finding a dress that they can afford.

If you know a girl in this situation, let her know that on Wednesday, May 12th - just next week! - the Second Annual Dream Dress Give-away will be held at the Knights of Columbus, 775 Washington Road, in Parlin, NJ.  The event will take place from 2:30 to 7:30 PM.

According to the flier, "Just for teens!... Gorgeous donated prom dresses & gowns available FREE to teens.  Attending Junior or Senior Prom will be a reality with NASW - NJ.  Choose from a selection of over a thousand dresses in all sizes.  We want to make your teen's dreams come true."

The National Association of Social Workers - NJ Chapter will provide each teenage girl the opportunity to choose from a large selection of prom dresses and gowns.

If you know an interested teen, please reach out to help make her dream a reality.

For more information, contact Jacqueline Durham, LSW  732-690-2611

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