From the Rita's Italian Ice Website, HERE...
"Mark the First Day of Spring with FREE Italian Ice!
We are already gearing up to celebrate the arrival of spring in 2012! A springtime tradition, Rita's annual giveaway will be held on Tuesday, March 20 from noon to 9 p.m. at all open Rita's locations. This is surely a tasty tradition that you won't want to miss! So be sure to stop by your local Rita's location and celebrate the arrival of spring on us!"
Thanks, Rita, for a free Italian Ice today! And with a day as warm as it is today, I bet it's gonna be crazy over there. This kinda explains the horde of kids I saw walking in that direction earlier this afternoon.
Rita's in Woodbridge is located at
755 St. George Avenue
(Where the A&P Shopping Center used to be!)
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
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