Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This is a great video. My friend shared it on Facebook. It's just words, but they are some great thoughts, and I like the song, too. So even though it's not about Iselin, I thought I'd share it here. It's so many important lessons to learn for everyone, everywhere.

I want to write a little bit more, a little bit personal. I was a substitute teacher today in an Iselin school. I was given a brief opportunity to see one of the regular Language Arts teachers in action.

I was so impressed. Talk about a wonderful teacher. She was calm, caring, focused, and organized. The students were attentive and eager. Don't get me wrong - these weren't the top achievers, just normal kids - but they were obviously learning a great deal in her class. And you could tell from the way they interacted that this was not an unusual day; you could see from the positive, disciplined demeanor of the students and the teacher that this was what was expected and this was what happened every day. It made me so much more optimistic about the future of our country in general. There are some really great teachers doing a fantastic job in our schools.

I had some time to think after school was over, and I thought that it would be a great thing for parents to be able to see what I had seen. Of course, it's next to impossible. Just by observing, the parents would be having an effect on the classroom and changing the outcome. Some kids would show off, and other kids would want to fade into the woodwork. It wouldn't be just a regular day anymore.

So I just wanted to let you know - especially if you are the parent of a child in Iselin - that I've met a lot of teachers in our schools. And they are wonderful people, with extraordinary skills and patience. Sure, no one's perfect, but I truly admire and respect the job that they do.

They really deserve our support. Thank a teacher today! :)


  1. I absolutly loved that video showed it to my 12 yo son and he thought it was great. I am proud of the great job the teachers in the Iselin section of our town.they truly deserve our thanks.

  2. :) Thanks for commenting, it's always good to know someone is out there lol!
