Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm having a YARD SALE Saturday... (EEK!) - But only if it's nice out!

I haven't been posting much this week, but I've been busy doing lots of other things.  Most notably, I'm getting ready for a yard sale I plan on having this Saturday, at my house on Benjamin Avenue in Iselin.  PLEASE stop by, even if it's just to say hi.

I'll be there from 8 AM to 3 PM this Saturday, October 15, 2011.  (I hope I'm not crazy.)  My goal is to get motivated to clear out some of the stuff taking up space in my house; stuff that is too good to throw away, so it keeps getting shifted around.  Of course, I'd like to make some money too... but I'm not expecting much.  I'm toying with the idea of selling EVERYTHING for the one low price of "any three items for a dollar."  I haven't decided for sure about that yet, but it sounds like a good idea so far.

What am I selling???
I have about a million hardcover books, in excellent condition.  I have a few games and toys, maybe some clothes.  I plan on having a good amount of holiday decorations.  Definitely some knickknacks. Maybe some tools, if I can convince my kid to part with them.  I'll let you know about that later.

Strangely enough, I'm also going to put out some of my own original paintings.  (They won't be three for a dollar, though.  They'll be more in the $20 - $25 range, and I'll mark them.)  I'm not sure if anyone will want to buy them, but I like to paint, and I've run out of walls to hang them on.

I'm still going through everything I own.  I'll let you know if I come up with more stuff that seems interesting.  Anyway, that's the reason I'm not going to post much this week.

So come by and say hello on Saturday - Benjamin Avenue, in front of School 26.

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