Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Where Flips used to be...

... is now a vacant lot, which has been bulldozed.  I wonder what's going in there?  If you know, send me an email and I'll write it on here.  (Hey - like I said - I'm not a reporter.  I just like to write, and talk, and take pictures.)

UPDATE!!! I just heard some of the details of the plan... I'm very excited!
In addition to fixing up the firehouse parking, there will be a little park area, including playground and a monument section. I'm sure everyone is going to have their own opinion, because no change happens without someone complaining. But to me, it's going to be great to see another section of Iselin made nicer! It's going to be a little area that will be open space and NOT the houses or even worse the mini mall that people originally thought that area would become, when Flips first closed. Thank goodness! It could become the centerpiece of Iselin! :)

Considering that Flips was a vacant building for a really long time, pretty much anything is an improvement at this point.

I took this picture standing in the Knights of Columbus parking lot, looking across the lot to where Flips used to be. If you haven't been in Iselin for a while, you might not recognize this corner. Remember the Iselin Fairgrounds? Yup, that's those houses. Costello's is just barely in the photo on the left.

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