Saturday, November 13, 2010

A sad day in Iselin, NJ


Unfortunately, JFK lost the football game today, 13 - 12. It was a really close game, but you know what they say - close only matters in horseshoes. :(
It was still a good season, guys! Better luck next year!
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  1. hey, I was there, I saw the red Believe t-shirts for Eric LeGrand. I'm looking to buy one now. do you have any idea where I can get one?

  2. I don't know, but I will try to find out and post it here tomorrow night.

  3. I was told that Colonia High School was selling them at the game, although I don't know WHO at Colonia. You can call the school and ask them.

    Also, the shirts should be available at the store "Scarlet Fever" in downtown New Brunswick. See my next post (at the top of my page.)

