Saturday, January 31, 2015

New Exit Number?

We were taking the Parkway today, southbound from North Jersey, and noticed the new exit signs being set up.  I'm really behind times, I guess, because probably everyone else has noticed this already.  Anyway, it seems like our exit is being renumbered to be exit 132.

Exit 132, formerly known as Exit 131.

Any idea when the change is officially taking place?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Great Outdoors

After school today, I took a walk to the black top at School 26.  It is a beautiful sunny afternoon - pretty cold, but the sun is shining brightly.

Leading onto the black top is a little tiny hill.  It isn't much for sleigh riding, but it was fun when I was young, and when my kids where young.

Not only does School 26 have a lovely, though tiny, little hill, but now they also have a lovely playground.   You can see it because I took this lovely photo for you.

The sad part of this story is what I didn't find - and, honestly, what I didn't expect to find.   I did not find any kids playing outside.

No one will be surprised by this, I guess.  It is just the way things are.  No one feels safe enough to say to their kids "Go out and play, come home when it starts getting dark."  Like I said, I didn't expect to find anyone out there.  If there had been anyone on the playground I wouldn't have taken a photo, because that would be just wrong. 

Well, no one was there, so I snapped my photo and came home.  You can see that there are plenty of boot prints and sled trails, so someone was having fun yesterday, I guess.  Not today, though. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Blizzard of 2015 :)

Welcome to the Blizzard of 2015!  OK, I know that we didn't get the historic levels of snow that they were talking about on all the weather channels - but hey, who cares?  I was pretty happy to have a snow day, and even happier not to have to dig out of 3 feet of snow.  It's the best case scenario!  So, enjoy the snow, stay warm, and have a cup of cocoa.  Happy Blizzard!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy 2015!

Hi, Iselin!  Long time, no see!
I haven't been on here very often lately.  Time goes by and other things come up.  I'm thinking about trying to revive the Iselin Times for 2015..  Does anyone have an opinion about that, one way or another?
Comment below if you care to do so... and have a great year!
-- SUE