From 2pm till 4pm today, The WestBury Hllbillies and friends will be performing an acoustic set in Roosevelt Park,Edison NJ at the open grove on the right across from Camp Kiddiekeepwell. They will be playing in the shade under the trees, bring a blanet or lawn chair.......
...It's going to be a lovely day, so stop by!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
The Quote of the Day
He didn't tell me how to live;
he lived, and let me watch him do it.
~Clarence Budington Kelland
he lived, and let me watch him do it.
~Clarence Budington Kelland
Friday, July 29, 2011
Films for a Friday Afternoon
Popcorn? I'm not sure... |
The Woodbridge Library sponsors a Film on Friday Afternoons, at 2:00 PM, on the 1st floor of the Main Library in Woodbridge.
Today's film is Evita. I haven't seen it, but I guess everyone's heard that song...
"Don't cry for me, Argentina... the truth is, I never left you..."
If you go, let me know how you liked it!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
My Favorite Zucchini Recipe
Zucchini Bread (well, it's kinda like a pound cake...)
Well, first off, ya oughta know - when I made this, I doubled the recipe. I have way too many zucchinis. But it's not a great idea to double it, so I'm giving you the regular quantities. But that's why my pictures look a bit off.
3 cups flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 1/2 teaspoons double acting baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
4 eggs
2/3 cup salad oil
2 cups grated zucchini
2 teaspoons grated lemon peel - Don't leave this out, it's really important!
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. and grease two 8 1/2 by 4 1/2 loaf pans - I used the aluminum throw away ones.
I start by getting out the old box grater, and grating the zucchini on the coarse side, and then the lemon peel - not the white, just the peel! - on the fine side.
In a medium bowl, I beat up the eggs a little, then add the oil, and then combine it with the zucchini and lemon zest.
After that, I mix up all the dry ingredients in a larger bowl. Blend the dry ingredients together well so there are no lumps.
Then combine the wet with the dry. Make sure you get them all combined, but don't mix it too much!
Spread it in the pans and bake it for about an hour.
That's it! Delicious!
Well, first off, ya oughta know - when I made this, I doubled the recipe. I have way too many zucchinis. But it's not a great idea to double it, so I'm giving you the regular quantities. But that's why my pictures look a bit off.
3 cups flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 1/2 teaspoons double acting baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
4 eggs
2/3 cup salad oil
2 cups grated zucchini
2 teaspoons grated lemon peel - Don't leave this out, it's really important!
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. and grease two 8 1/2 by 4 1/2 loaf pans - I used the aluminum throw away ones.
I start by getting out the old box grater, and grating the zucchini on the coarse side, and then the lemon peel - not the white, just the peel! - on the fine side.
In a medium bowl, I beat up the eggs a little, then add the oil, and then combine it with the zucchini and lemon zest.
Then combine the wet with the dry. Make sure you get them all combined, but don't mix it too much!
That's it! Delicious!
Motorcycle Safety - In Memory of Ralph Maglione
Ralph's family arranged for these signs to be hung up in a few places around Iselin.
It’s important for all motorists and riders to look twice before switching lanes or turning – motorcycles often go unseen until it’s too late.
By taking an extra second, you can save a life.
It’s important for all motorists and riders to look twice before switching lanes or turning – motorcycles often go unseen until it’s too late.
By taking an extra second, you can save a life.
The Quote of the Day
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
~Dr Seuss
McBump's Basement Recordings
Lovely music for a lovely evening... straight from Iselin!
Another new McBump Tune!
:) Fine music straight from Iselin!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Free Concert at Parker Press in Woodbridge TONIGHT!
Every Wednesday this summer, there is a "Woodbridge Wednesday" free concert at 7:30 PM at Parker Press Park, 400 Amboy Avenue in Woodbridge. Bring a lawn chair and relax to some new music!
7/27 Incendio - with World Guitar Fusion
8/3 Les Dudek, Classic Rock!
8/10 Brother Josephus Love Revival, New Orleans Mardi Gras Music
8/24 Meta and the Cornerstones, with REGGAE, mon!
8/31 Delta Rae with Blues and Folk
7/27 Incendio - with World Guitar Fusion
8/3 Les Dudek, Classic Rock!
8/10 Brother Josephus Love Revival, New Orleans Mardi Gras Music
8/24 Meta and the Cornerstones, with REGGAE, mon!
8/31 Delta Rae with Blues and Folk
How does your Garden Grow?
New Jersey - the Garden State - where it seems like almost everyone manages to squeeze a few veggies into a plot of land, even if it's only 50' by 100'! What are you growing?
I have a little pot of herbs. For some reason, I don't have much basil, which is almost a sin at my house. :) (I'm going to have to pick up some basil at Shop Rite next time I go over there. I often see rooted basil plants in the produce section, right near the tomatoes.)
I do have some nice oregano, thyme, parseley, chives, sage, and dill, and of course tons of mint growing wild along the side of the house. A lot of that stuff comes back every year.
And then, of course, there are my tomatoes. I'd given up planting tomatoes for a few years because my husband really didn't like them... but that was when he was younger. He's matured since then. He's come to his senses. Now, he loves a good Jersey Tomato.
I didn't plant just ANY tomatoes. I planted all heirloom tomatoes, so that I can save the seeds every year.
And so far, I have lots and lots of tiny green tomatoes, but only one almost red ripe one. I guess they'll all be red at once and then I'll be making salsa and sauce to freeze.
I have a little spot of potatoes growing this year, too. When I was peeling potatoes this spring, I had a few that had sprouted. I planted the peels in my garden, and just a few days ago I dug up three little new potatoes! I was quite excited about that, and I can't wait to see how many more I get.
And finally, my absolute favorite garden plant of all ... my pots of string beans. I always plant pole beans. I love the way they look, and I love the fact that I get a lot of meals of beans!
You'll notice that I didn't mention zucchini. I had a great zucchini patch last year. This year, the seeds never sprouted. But I mentioned that to a friend, and she's brought me enough zucchini to last for the whole summer.
Tomorrow, I'm going to show you my recipe for zucchini bread. (How exciting is THAT!!!)
The Mayor's Concert Series at WHS
“Harold Melvin’s Blue Notes” has been re-scheduled and will now perform on Thursday, August 4, 2011. Hope to see you there!
The Quote of the Day
To change one’s life;
Start immediately.
Do it flamboyantly.
No exceptions.
William James
William James
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Fall Sports - Sign Up Now!
The Woodbridge Township Youth Soccer Association is hosting registration sessions for its fall recreational season this month. The league is open to boys and girls between the ages of three and 16.
All registration sessions will be held at Bowtie Field in Port Reading. Registration sessions will be held TODAY, July 26 from 6-8 pm, and July 30 from 10 am to 1 pm. Please call (732) 634-9219 or email for more information.
Sponsor the 14th Annual Softball Game
to Benefit Habitat for Humanity
A Softball Game has been scheduled by Senatore Vitale, the Woodbridge Metro Chamber of Commerce, and Deminski and Doyle from NJ 101.5. All proceeds from the game will go to benefit the organization, and if you or your business are interested in being a sponsor for that game, now is the time to act! The deadline for becoming a sponsor will be at the end of August.
Sponsorship is $250 and includes announcements at game, company listing on game banner and Team Vitale t-shirt.
Make checks are payable to Habitat for Humanity and return to Woodbridge Metro Chamber of Commerce, 52 Main Street, Woodbridge, NJ 07095. Include your name, address and/or name of business as you wish it to be listed.
The game will be held on Wednesday, September 14 · 7:30pm - 10:30pm -- (rain date is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 21.) at Warren Park – Field 1, Florida Grove Road, Woodbridge, NJ.
Tickets are $5.
For more information call, 732-636-4040.
Graffiti at Kennedy Park
I always prefer to look at the positive things in town, and I hate to dwell on the negative things.
However, I also don't want to bury my head in the sand. Truth is truth.
This is a video taken of an Iselin playground. It's located at Kennedy Park.
It shows the graffiti all over the playground equipment. It isn't something you would want your children reading.
So, these are my thoughts.
Kids can be very thoughtless and rebellious. They can make a lot of stupid mistakes. They also get bored easily.
I have teenagers. I know it's really hard to keep track of everything they are involved in. And it's important that they start becoming independent. You really can't follow them around all day every day. I know.
But if the Sean, Carly or Shelly named in the video were my kids, I'd definitely want to find out what they have been doing this summer.
And I KNOW, I KNOW... I've heard it before from my own kids.... "But mom, it wasn't me, it was (INSERT NAME HERE.) I wouldn't do that, I know better."
And you WANT to believe them. Because yes, you DID raise them better than that.
But if I had some thought that it was my kid involved? Even just being there, not actually writing anything?
I'd make them scrub the playground.
(If you receive the Iselin Times in an email, you'll have to come directly to the web site to see the video.)
However, I also don't want to bury my head in the sand. Truth is truth.
This is a video taken of an Iselin playground. It's located at Kennedy Park.
It shows the graffiti all over the playground equipment. It isn't something you would want your children reading.
So, these are my thoughts.
Kids can be very thoughtless and rebellious. They can make a lot of stupid mistakes. They also get bored easily.
I have teenagers. I know it's really hard to keep track of everything they are involved in. And it's important that they start becoming independent. You really can't follow them around all day every day. I know.
But if the Sean, Carly or Shelly named in the video were my kids, I'd definitely want to find out what they have been doing this summer.
And I KNOW, I KNOW... I've heard it before from my own kids.... "But mom, it wasn't me, it was (INSERT NAME HERE.) I wouldn't do that, I know better."
And you WANT to believe them. Because yes, you DID raise them better than that.
But if I had some thought that it was my kid involved? Even just being there, not actually writing anything?
I'd make them scrub the playground.
(If you receive the Iselin Times in an email, you'll have to come directly to the web site to see the video.)
The Quote of the Day
Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.
~Sam Keen
Monday, July 25, 2011
"Best Practices Checklist" for Municipalities
I am interested in politics, but I am no expert in politics. Having this blog, however, has put me into the category of "Hyperlocal News." So I joined the NJ Hyperlocal News Association. Cool, huh? (LOL.)
Well, today the NJHNA sent me a press release, and it sounded like a pretty good story. So I decided to post it:
And, of course, this made me wonder; how is Woodbridge stacking up? So, I contacted Town Hall, and this is what I was told:
Well, that's good to know! :)
Well, today the NJHNA sent me a press release, and it sounded like a pretty good story. So I decided to post it:
"Last week Governor Christie and the Department of Community Affairs released a "Best Practices Checklist" for municipalities receiving state aid. If your community wants to receive 100% of its state funding, the municipality will need to comply with 41 out of 50 of the items on the checklist. If your municipality fails to meet the established threshold, they will lose up to 5% of their state aid.
Last year the checklist was optional for municipalities. Starting last October DCA started requiring municipalities receiving transitional aid to adopt a series of waste-cutting measures, like pay to play reform.
This is the first year that DCA is tying the final amount of state aid to the number of waste-cutting measures a town is adopting.
Municipalities have been given a 50 item checklist sorted into 8 areas: general management, financial standards, budget preparation & presentation, health insurance, personnel, public safety, energy, and municipal & school district cost-sharing."
And, of course, this made me wonder; how is Woodbridge stacking up? So, I contacted Town Hall, and this is what I was told:
"Woodbridge Township complied with 50 points last year and will submit 50 points this year. As a result, Woodbridge received 100 percent of State Aid last year and will again received the maximum award this year."
Well, that's good to know! :)
Finally, it might RAIN!
Special Weather Statement for Middlesex, NJ
Issued by The National Weather Service
Philadelphia, PA
Mon, Jul 25, 2011, 1:31 PM EDT
Updated Jul 25, 2011, 1:40pm EDT
Issued by The National Weather Service
Philadelphia, PA
Mon, Jul 25, 2011, 1:31 PM EDT
Updated Jul 25, 2011, 1:40pm EDT
Harold Melvin's Blue Notes Tonight!
The weather report is calling for severe weather again tonight, so again, they've had to cancel tonight's show at the summer concert series!
Sorry, folks! I'll let you know if it's rescheduled!Seating is not provided, so remember to bring a lawn chair or
blankets and donate a non-perishable food item.
How Does your Garden Grow?
One year, several years ago, I thought it would be nice to plant morning glories. And yes, I do think they are pretty. But I never realized how much they spread! I have morning glories growing all over everything! Some sections of the yard need them. Some places they don't belong - like growing up in my veggie patch.
I got outside early today to water my plants. I've been watering the tomatoes mostly in the evenings. I think I remember hearing that it's better to water in the mornings. I hardly ever have free time in the morning, though.
Do you have a garden? What are you growing?
I got outside early today to water my plants. I've been watering the tomatoes mostly in the evenings. I think I remember hearing that it's better to water in the mornings. I hardly ever have free time in the morning, though.
Do you have a garden? What are you growing?
The Quote of the Day
If you hear a voice within you say
“you cannot paint,”
then by all means paint,
and that voice will be silenced.
Vincent Van Gogh
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Flea Market at St. Cecelia's
The flea market will be held in the parking lot of St. Cecelia's Church in Iselin. It is the main fundraiser for the charitable organization. If you have useful old housewares, knicknacks, picture frames, toys, or whatever, that you don't need anymore... you know the kind of stuff for a flea market... you can either donate them to the Society, or you can rent a table space and sell them yourself!
They are renting spaces for flea market vendors or for families. The fees are $20 if you want to use one of their tables - but there are a VERY limited number of tables available, and it is first come, first served. Or, you can bring your own table, and the fee is only $15.00.
If you want to make it easier and just donate your useful old stuff, please keep in mind that they aren't taking books or clothes.
Either way, you should contact Jean or Jerry Retkwa at 732-283-2312 to reserve your space now.
And you should also write the date of September 24th on your calendar, because it will be a good day to go shopping!
The Quote of the Day
A year from now you may wish you had started today.
Karen Lamb
Karen Lamb
Saturday, July 23, 2011
A car wash is scheduled to be held today to benefit the Banding Together Foundation. It will take place at the Shannon Rose of Woodbridge from 9 AM to 1 PM. They will also be selling Italian Ice as part of the fundraiser. So come on by and show your support!
Eric Le Grand Saturday!
Eric LeGrand Car Show
When: TODAY!... Saturday, 07/23/11 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Where: Staples - Green Street, Iselin
Hosted by Loman Ford - Kia
Come by and see the cars... there will be Food and Music!
A flyer put out from Woodbridge Town Hall said:
DATE: TODAY! -- Saturday, July 23rd 2011
TIME: 1pm - 8pm
Cliff Road, Woodbridge Township Woodbridge, NJ 07095
The benefit will feature an array of musical talents and a list of influential sponsors. Proceeds will go towards renovations to Eric’s house including a handicapped ramp, bathroom, and an additional room.
When: TODAY!... Saturday, 07/23/11 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Where: Staples - Green Street, Iselin
Hosted by Loman Ford - Kia
Come by and see the cars... there will be Food and Music!
A flyer put out from Woodbridge Town Hall said:
Help raise funds and support the Eric LeGrand bELieve Foundation on Sat., July 23 at the “Cruise for Eric LeGrand” Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show sponsored by Loman Ford-Kia, Woodbridge Township Mayor John E. McCormac, Staples, Lincoln Technical Institute, Star99.1 FM, CBS Radio, Capital One Bank and DJ Richie Flash. Loman Ford-Kia is donating $100 for every car or truck sold through July 25 to the Eric LeGrand bELieve Fund.
And then, after you've looked at the cars, head over to Alvin P. Williams Park in Sewaren for
52 Fest!
DATE: TODAY! -- Saturday, July 23rd 2011
TIME: 1pm - 8pm
Cliff Road, Woodbridge Township Woodbridge, NJ 07095
The benefit will feature an array of musical talents and a list of influential sponsors. Proceeds will go towards renovations to Eric’s house including a handicapped ramp, bathroom, and an additional room.
The Quote of the Day
Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.
- -Christopher Reeve
- -Christopher Reeve
Fall Sports Sign Up
Don't forget - now's the time to sign up your sons and daughters for Fall Soccer or Street Hockey! For more information, look at the Iselin Activities page HERE!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Woodbridge Concert Series
Reschedules "Big Shot" Concert
“Big Shot,” the Billy Joel Tribute show that was cancelled because of the threat of severe weather, has been rescheduled for Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 7:30pm, so mark your calendar!
The concerts are held on the Lawn and under the stars at Woodbridge High School. They start at 7:30pm. Seating is not provided, so please bring a lawn chair.
Films for a Friday Afternoon
Popcorn? I'm not sure...How about Raisinettes? |
The Woodbridge Library sponsors a Film on Friday Afternoons, at 2:00 PM, on the 1st floor of the Main Library in Woodbridge.
Today's film is Chocolat. I never read that book, but I did watch the movie... with Johnny Depp (sigh)... it was delicious....
If you go, let me know how you liked it!
Friday Parody Video
Well, this is supposed to be "kinda" news, right? So here is some "kinda" news:
The Quote of the Day
“Life is a B Movie: it's stupid and it's strange,
it's a directionless story, the dialogue is lame,
but in the 'he said she said' sometimes there's some poetry,
if you turn your back long enough and let it happen naturally.”
Ani Difranco--(American Singer, Song Writer and Guitarist. b.1970
Thursday, July 21, 2011
"Gabrielle-A-Palooza" Planned for August 13th
to Honor the Memory of Gabrielle Chiu
The friends and family of Gabrielle Chiu want everyone to remember how beautiful, kind, and talented Gabrielle was... they would like to give everyone a chance to be together to heal... and at the same time, they would like to give a little back to the school that nurtured her talent and creativity.
So they are planning a celebration of Gabrielle's life and music, and they are calling it "Gabrielle-a-Palooza". It will be held at the intersection of Pleasant Avenue and Nebel Way in Iselin, on Saturday, August 13th, from 3:00 to 9:00 PM. The rain date is scheduled for the 14th. Details are still evolving, but it looks like it will be a big event, with bands and an open mic, and food and other items available to purchase. Proceeds will go to Collier High School.
This is a FREE show, but donations are GREATLY appreciated. You can bring these donations to the show, or you can mail them to: Collier High School,C/O The Chiu Family, 69 Pleasant Avenue, Iselin, NJ 08830
"Change (Acoustic)"
by Andrew Jacobs (In Memory of Gabrielle Chiu)
Music written by: Andrew Jacobs, Christopher Clancy
Lyrics written by: Andrew Jacobs, Ryan Hegefeld
All vocals and acoustic guitars by Andrew Jacobs
All orchestration and piano by Christopher (g-six) Clancy
According to the facebook event page, which you can see HERE,
the following bands are scheduled to play so far:
Archis Emerge
Collapsing Faith
Last Wish Gone
Holy City Zoo
County Drop
...and Open mic will be performed in between sets by:
Jacob Schaffer
Mona Purple
Joe Ruff
Meredith Rose Clark
Christian Smith
Jacob Kupin and Grayson DeSouza
Favian Torain (Poetry Reading)
Chahar Alexandra Rogers (Poetry Reading)
So they are planning a celebration of Gabrielle's life and music, and they are calling it "Gabrielle-a-Palooza". It will be held at the intersection of Pleasant Avenue and Nebel Way in Iselin, on Saturday, August 13th, from 3:00 to 9:00 PM. The rain date is scheduled for the 14th. Details are still evolving, but it looks like it will be a big event, with bands and an open mic, and food and other items available to purchase. Proceeds will go to Collier High School.
This is a FREE show, but donations are GREATLY appreciated. You can bring these donations to the show, or you can mail them to: Collier High School,C/O The Chiu Family, 69 Pleasant Avenue, Iselin, NJ 08830
"Change (Acoustic)"
by Andrew Jacobs (In Memory of Gabrielle Chiu)
Music written by: Andrew Jacobs, Christopher Clancy
Lyrics written by: Andrew Jacobs, Ryan Hegefeld
All vocals and acoustic guitars by Andrew Jacobs
All orchestration and piano by Christopher (g-six) Clancy
According to the facebook event page, which you can see HERE,
the following bands are scheduled to play so far:
Archis Emerge
Collapsing Faith
Last Wish Gone
Holy City Zoo
County Drop
...and Open mic will be performed in between sets by:
Jacob Schaffer
Mona Purple
Joe Ruff
Meredith Rose Clark
Christian Smith
Jacob Kupin and Grayson DeSouza
Favian Torain (Poetry Reading)
Chahar Alexandra Rogers (Poetry Reading)
The Quote of the Day
Music is well said to be the speech of angels;
in fact, nothing among the utterances
in fact, nothing among the utterances
allowed to man
is felt to be so divine.
It brings us near to the infinite.
is felt to be so divine.
It brings us near to the infinite.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A new web address!
My web address used to be
www . hometowniselin . blogspot . com.
But I thought about it, and I decided I'd rather make it simpler.
So now, you can find me at
www . iselintimes . com.
I think you can actually find the Iselin Times at either web address.
I just thought I'd mention it... I'm not sure that it really makes any difference!
Bowl for Hunger was a Success!
The organizers - Assemblyman Coughlin, Michael D’Agnes, President and CEO of Raritan Bay Medical Center, and Dennis Doll, President and CEO of the Middlesex Water Company - wanted to thank everyone for supporting the area’s 32 food banks through their participation. While pledges and donations are still coming in, the event had raised about $12,000 as of Monday. Anyone still wishing to make a donation to the “Bowl for Hunger” cause should contact the Raritan Bay Medical Center Foundation at 732-324-5374.
There was some serious but friendly competition... a bowling challenge between President D’Agnes and President Doll of the Raritan Bay Medical Center and Middlesex Water Company... and other notable bowlers included Senator Joseph F. Vitale, Woodbridge’s Mayor John E. McCormac, Perth Amboy’s Mayor Wilda Diaz, Carteret’s Mayor Daniel J. Reiman, Sayreville’s Mayor Kennedy O’Brien, members of the Sayreville and Woodbridge Municipal Councils, and members of the Perth Amboy Police Department. (I wasn't there... and the information I got didn't say who win. Let's just say it was a good game, and the real winners were the food banks. lol.)
Assemblyman Coughlin, Presidents D’Agnes and Doll thanked the combined seventy-three corporate and individual sponsors:
Almasi Companies, American Academy of Pediatrics, Assemblyman Thomas P. Giblin, Bayshore Recycling Corporation, Berkeley College, Birdsall Service Group, Central Jersey Federal Credit Union, Chris Michaels Steakhouse, The Club at Woodbridge, CME Associates, Columbia Bank, Costello-Greiner, Daniel Harris and Family, The Dressing Room, Dupont, Elizabethtown gas, European School of Dance, F.D Camp, LLC, First Presbyterian Church, South Amboy, Flying Fish Brewing Co., Gerdau Ameristeel, Gill & Chamas, LLC, Gustav A. Fingado IV, Hatch Mott MacDonald, Hilton Woodbridge, Investors Savings Bank, IUOE Local 68, James P. Nolan & Associates, LLC, James P. Durek, Esq., JFK Medical Center, JJ Elek Reality Co., Knot Just Bagels, Larry and Peggy Mayerowitz, The Liberty Group, M-P Electrical Contractors, Inc., Maxwell’s 35, McManimon & Scotland, LLC, MDCC, LLC, Middlesex & Somerset Counties AFL-CIU Labor Council, Middlesex County Buildings & Construction Trades Council, Morris and Clara Weshnak Family Foundation, Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters, Paragano Enterprises, Provident Bank, Raritan Bay Area YMCA, Reliance Insurance LLC, Replay Bar and Grill, Rubin & Raine, Inc., Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti, LLP, Saker ShopRites, Inc., Sayreville Seaport Associates, Senator Joseph F. Vitale, The Shannon Rose Irish Pub, Sills Cummis & Gross PC, Sovereign Bank, St. Anthony of Padua Study Hall, Tropical Cheese Industries, Vision Service Plan, VNA of Central Jersey, Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, PA, Woodbridge Center Mall, Woodbridge Chamber of Commerce, Woodbridge Cultural Arts Council, Woodbridge Patch, Woodbridge-Edison-Metuchen-South Amboy YMCA.
Woodbridge Main Street Car Show Tonight
on Main Street
in Woodbridge
was so
much fun
last month -
you really
want to try
to get there
It's a great place
for a pleasant stroll
down memory lane!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Heat Advisory again...
It's just toooo darn hot out there! But don't worry... it'll be snowing again before you know it! The Office of Emergency Management has issued a “Heat Alert” advisory again, for the next five days - Tues., July 19 thru Sat., July 23, 2011 - as temperatures are expected to climb to near 100 degrees, with extremely high humidity. But anyone who has ever lived in Iselin already knew that. Same story every year, right?
Iselin Library Closed for Repair
From the Library Facebook Page:
The Iselin Branch Library is closed today, July 19, 2011 for building HVAC upgrade. The branch will reopen on or about Monday, August 29, 2011. All other Woodbridge Public Library agencies remain open for business. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you!
Oh dear!
New Video from Green Street Videos
The Iselin Fair
Green Street Videos did a great video of the Iselin Fair... you have to check it out, HERE!!! (I'm finally in one of his videos! I'm so excited!)
Eat at Wendy's to benefit P.A.C.E.!
Today is a good day to have burgers for dinner, isn't it? Well, if you go to Wendy's on St. Georges Avenue today - Tuesday, July 19 - from 4:00pm - 8:00pm, a percentage of your purchase will be donated back to P.A.C.E. Parents' Organization. Drive-thru purchases also qualify - but make sure you tell them why you are there! Tell them you want your purchase to benefit P.A.C.E.!
90 Saint Georges Avenue
Edge of Rahway/Avenel/Colonia
90 Saint Georges Avenue
Edge of Rahway/Avenel/Colonia
Monday, July 18, 2011
Buy Your Tickets Now for 52 Fest
to Benefit Eric LeGrand
52 Fest -- an Eric LeGrand benefit — is scheduled for 1 to 8 p.m. July
23 at Alvin P. Williams Memorial Park at the Sewaren Peninsula, Cliff
Road, Woodbridge. It's gonna be a lot of fun... you want to be a part of it!
52 Fest is open to all ages. It will be conducted rain or shine in Alvin P. Williams Park - so make sure you're prepared for the weather... maybe sunscreen, or a rain poncho, and maybe bug spray! You are also going to need a chair or blanket to make yourself comfortable.
No outside food or alcohol is permitted.
Proceeds from 52 Fest, named for the number on LeGrand’s football jersey, will go toward the renovation of LeGrand’s Woodbridge home, including a handicapped ramp, bathroom and an additional room.
Buy your Tickets for $20 here:
***Students K-12, get your tickets for $10 by showing your STUDENT ID's.
FunkMaster Flex
Vinnie Caruana (The Movie Life/i Am The Avalanche)
Seven Stone (Classic Rock Cover Band)
Asbury Fever (Bruce Springsteen Cover Band)
Edward Solomon
Go Falcon!
Chocolate Bread
Matt Koziol (sounds a bit like John Mayer)
The Night Life
B. Funk
The Ugly Club
Prestige Worldwide (80's and 90's Cover Band)
Headbanger (1980's Metal Band)
Late Cambrian
Sofa Club
Boston Celtics 2010-2011 Autographed Team Basketball
Grant Hill Autographed Photograph
Lamarcus Aldridge Autographed Bobblehead Doll
Live Nation VIP Concert Tickets
Mets Tickets w/ a day at Batting Practice with the team
Trenton Thunder Tickets
Lakewood Blueclaws Tickets
Newark Bears Tickets
Liberty Science Center Tickets
Red Bulls Tickets
Oakland Raiders Willie Brown Autographed Football
Chitown Clothing T Shirts
Formatic Clothing Apparel
Travis Zajac Autographed NJ Devils Hockey Stick
Power & Fitness Gym Memberships
Steve Solop Custom Shirts Gift Certificate
Mark Farrell (101.9 RXP DJ)
Formatic Clothing -- Patriot Saint Foundation -- Jersey Linx -- Power & Fitness -- Nevermore Clothing
Italian Ice, Pretzels, Popcorn, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Sausage Sandwiches and much much more!!!!
"52 Fest is about progress, hope, growth, positivity, selflessness, love, and the ability to envision a brighter future. Through Eric’s journey of perseverance, he has influenced the hearts, minds, and souls of many. Our only goal for 52 Fest is to impact Eric’s life the same way he has ours."- Elliot Solop, Joe Geis & Marisa Mendez, Event Organizers
52 Fest is open to all ages. It will be conducted rain or shine in Alvin P. Williams Park - so make sure you're prepared for the weather... maybe sunscreen, or a rain poncho, and maybe bug spray! You are also going to need a chair or blanket to make yourself comfortable.
No outside food or alcohol is permitted.
Proceeds from 52 Fest, named for the number on LeGrand’s football jersey, will go toward the renovation of LeGrand’s Woodbridge home, including a handicapped ramp, bathroom and an additional room.
Buy your Tickets for $20 here:
***Students K-12, get your tickets for $10 by showing your STUDENT ID's.
FunkMaster Flex
Vinnie Caruana (The Movie Life/i Am The Avalanche)
Seven Stone (Classic Rock Cover Band)
Asbury Fever (Bruce Springsteen Cover Band)
Edward Solomon
Go Falcon!
Chocolate Bread
Matt Koziol (sounds a bit like John Mayer)
The Night Life
B. Funk
The Ugly Club
Prestige Worldwide (80's and 90's Cover Band)
Headbanger (1980's Metal Band)
Late Cambrian
Sofa Club
Boston Celtics 2010-2011 Autographed Team Basketball
Grant Hill Autographed Photograph
Lamarcus Aldridge Autographed Bobblehead Doll
Live Nation VIP Concert Tickets
Mets Tickets w/ a day at Batting Practice with the team
Trenton Thunder Tickets
Lakewood Blueclaws Tickets
Newark Bears Tickets
Liberty Science Center Tickets
Red Bulls Tickets
Oakland Raiders Willie Brown Autographed Football
Chitown Clothing T Shirts
Formatic Clothing Apparel
Travis Zajac Autographed NJ Devils Hockey Stick
Power & Fitness Gym Memberships
Steve Solop Custom Shirts Gift Certificate
Mark Farrell (101.9 RXP DJ)
Formatic Clothing -- Patriot Saint Foundation -- Jersey Linx -- Power & Fitness -- Nevermore Clothing
Italian Ice, Pretzels, Popcorn, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Sausage Sandwiches and much much more!!!!
"52 Fest is about progress, hope, growth, positivity, selflessness, love, and the ability to envision a brighter future. Through Eric’s journey of perseverance, he has influenced the hearts, minds, and souls of many. Our only goal for 52 Fest is to impact Eric’s life the same way he has ours."- Elliot Solop, Joe Geis & Marisa Mendez, Event Organizers
Big Shot - Billy Joel Tribute - CANCELLED!
concert featuring Big Shot (Billy Joel Tribute) has been cancelled due
to weather reports indicating a 60% chance of severe thunderstorms. By
cancelling before 2:00 the Township will be able to reschedule the
concert later in the summer and the date will be announced as soon as it
is available. Next week's show is Harold Melvin's Blue Notes (7:30 WB
High School).
Tonight's music is “Big Shot” - a Billy Joel Tribute!
Seating is not provided, so remember to bring a lawn chair or
blankets and donate a non-perishable food item for a chance to
win the Summer Concert Grand Prize.
The Quote of the Day
in the
swim the sea,
drink the wild air…
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) -
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The Quote of the Day
a man a fish and he has food for a day;
teach him how to fish
and you
can get rid of him for the entire weekend.
~Zenna Scha;
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The Last Night of the Iselin Fair
for 2011, at least...
My friends and I on Friday Night |
I am a person who truly believes in accentuating the positive. I like to look at the bright side in everything. And I started this whole blog thingy specifically to let people know that at least SOME of us still love Iselin. I'm still a resident, and I'm still happy here. And I had great memories, but I believe that I also have a great "here and now" - and a great future, too!
But now, let's talk about the Iselin Fair. No, it really isn't the same as it used to be. I'm sorry. Not even I can say that the Iselin Fair is spectacular.
On the other hand... I had a really great time last night. But that was because a lot of the people that I went to the fair with in the old days were there with me. And a few people I didn't know back then, but enjoyed talking to last night.
On the negative side: it was pretty empty, even last night. And the rides didn't seem to work out. I feel bad for the church, because it seems like the ride company must have messed them up. (Of course, I don't go on the rides.)
The food choices weren't as wonderful as they used to be. (Of course, I had a Maglione's Italian Ice, and the Pizza, which was really good. And I don't need to eat that much anyway.) Obviously, the whole tradition of having the fair on the other side of the tracks has been broken. (Of course, I always thought the fair was more about the people than about the place, so as sad as it is, it's not that big a deal to me.)
On the positive side: the music was really good. Someone must have explained things to the DJ, because he looked like a kid, but he played all of the right songs. And like I said, I was with some of the people I've been friends with for 35 years, and that's what it's all about.
The Quote of the Day
If you're yearning for the good old days,
just turn off the air conditioning.
~Griff Niblack --
Friday, July 15, 2011
I love to go to the Plays in the Park in Roosevelt. I always have a great time. The production of Hairspray made me fall in love with the Plays all over again, though.
How can you beat a cool summer night, outside, a full moon, a fabulous theatrical production, song and dance - all for only $7.00? I look forward to this every summer, and I wish every play was as much fun as Hairspray!
I took a few pictures, but they aren't as good as the pictures on the Plays in the Park website. And nothing is as good as seeing this production live and in person. I haven't seen the movie yet, and so I had no idea what to expect. Hairspray takes place in Baltimore in the 1960's. It's about dancing, and style, and segregation, and integration, and why can't we all just get along? And even though it deals with serious topics, it's a LOT of fun.
All of the actors were great. Tracy Turnblad, the main character, is played by Melanie Porras. Melanie has a great voice and she made you really root for Tracy. Edna Turnblad, Tracy's mom, is played by Richard Colonna -- with GREAT comedic timing and effect.
So my suggestion is to find a few folding chairs, and go see this play before it's too late!
For more details about getting to the play, please see my previous post HERE.
How can you beat a cool summer night, outside, a full moon, a fabulous theatrical production, song and dance - all for only $7.00? I look forward to this every summer, and I wish every play was as much fun as Hairspray!
I took a few pictures, but they aren't as good as the pictures on the Plays in the Park website. And nothing is as good as seeing this production live and in person. I haven't seen the movie yet, and so I had no idea what to expect. Hairspray takes place in Baltimore in the 1960's. It's about dancing, and style, and segregation, and integration, and why can't we all just get along? And even though it deals with serious topics, it's a LOT of fun.
All of the actors were great. Tracy Turnblad, the main character, is played by Melanie Porras. Melanie has a great voice and she made you really root for Tracy. Edna Turnblad, Tracy's mom, is played by Richard Colonna -- with GREAT comedic timing and effect.
So my suggestion is to find a few folding chairs, and go see this play before it's too late!
For more details about getting to the play, please see my previous post HERE.
Sign up Now for Fall Soccer
The Woodbridge Township Youth Soccer Association is hosting registration sessions for its fall recreational season this month. The league is open to boys and girls between the ages of three and 16.
All registration sessions will be held at Bowtie Field in Port Reading. Registration sessions will be held July 26 from 6-8 pm and July 23 and July 30 from 10 am to 1 pm. Please call (732) 634-9219 or email for more information.
Films for a Friday Afternoon
Popcorn? I'm not sure... |
The Woodbridge Library sponsors a Film on Friday Afternoons, at 2:00 PM, on the 1st floor of the Main Library in Woodbridge.
Today's film is Bride and Prejudice. At first, I thought it was a typo, and then I looked it up on IMDB - "Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice gets a Bollywood treatment." Now that sounds like a lot of fun!
If you go, let me know how you liked it!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Bone Marrow Donor Drive for Ken Williamson
On Saturday, July 16, you have a chance to do something really, really important for an Iselin family. You can be a hero.
Because on Saturday, July 16th, there is going to be a Bone Marrow Donor Drive for Ken Williamson. It will be held at the Iselin Fire House District 11, at 20 Auth Avenue in Iselin, where Ken's son is a volunteer fireman. The event will run from 10 to 3 PM. The actual "donor" part of the drive starts at 12, but starting at 10, they will be selling baked goods, hot dogs, etc. - and everyone is welcome.
Ken, a resident of Iselin for the last 20 or 25 years or so, was recently diagnosed in the late stages of leukemia. He needs a bone marrow transplant, and is counting on finding a match through the Marrow Registry.
I spoke with Ken's daughter Krystina. She explained that the whole procedure for the donor drive is very simple; there is a quick, easy swab of the mouth, and a paper to be filled out - that's it. "We just want to find out if anyone will meet the criteria to be a donor for my Dad," she explained. "There are ten different things that have to match up. We've got to find someone who is the closest match possible."
In addition to the donor test, there are also going to be raffles. "Each swab donor kit actually costs $100, but the donor registry - the HLA - doesn't charge anything," Krystina explained. They just ask that the family show good faith in trying to fundraise to offset the cost of the testing. The HLA's literature explains, "Because we are a non profit organization, we do encourage our sponsors to fundraise in conjunction with the marrow drive. This donation would be used to cover the cost of testing for donors." Of the fundraising, Krystina said, "we have gotten donations to help, and we will be having a raffle, to raffle off an Ipod Touch, TV and an IPAD 2!"
Ken is feeling..."OK"... Krystina told me. "He goes for this new kind of chemo, where he has a treatment for one week every four weeks." He isn't working right now, but he had been an electrician at JFK Hospital.
Please visit for more information and updates about the event. All proceeds will be going to Be the Match:
"From the bottom of our hearts, we are eternally grateful."
Street Hockey Registration
Woodbridge PBA Street Hockey Registration
is open to boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 17.
Games are non-contact and start in September.
Please contact Chris Wintonick at (732) 319-4618 or for more information.
My son LOVED being on the street hockey team. Skates weren't required, but things like helmets and pads and sticks were. The games weren't held in Iselin, but that didn't matter, Iselin kids are welcome!
Family Seining Adventure at Sandy Hook
American Littoral Society
Family Seining Adventure
What is the American Littoral Society? It's not about books! The littoral zone is the part of the ocean that is close to the shore. In coastal environments the littoral zone extends from the high water mark to underwater shoreline areas.
And have you ever heard of Seining?
I went on a class trip with my kids one year, to Sandy Hook, to seine. It was a great trip. We dragged a huge seine net through the water on the bay and scraped up lots of little marine animals, which was explained to us by the local marine biologist. It was a lot of fun and REALLY educational.
Anyway, the American Littoral Society is hosting a family Seining Adventure a few times in July. They are meeting at Building No. 18 on July 14, 21, & 28, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. After a short talk on the Society’s front porch, head over to Horseshoe Cove to do some seining. Children help pull the nets in, and observe the catch in holding tanks before releasing them back to the bay. Call (732) 292 – 0055 for reservations and fee information.
Family Seining Adventure
What is the American Littoral Society? It's not about books! The littoral zone is the part of the ocean that is close to the shore. In coastal environments the littoral zone extends from the high water mark to underwater shoreline areas.
And have you ever heard of Seining?
I went on a class trip with my kids one year, to Sandy Hook, to seine. It was a great trip. We dragged a huge seine net through the water on the bay and scraped up lots of little marine animals, which was explained to us by the local marine biologist. It was a lot of fun and REALLY educational.
Anyway, the American Littoral Society is hosting a family Seining Adventure a few times in July. They are meeting at Building No. 18 on July 14, 21, & 28, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. After a short talk on the Society’s front porch, head over to Horseshoe Cove to do some seining. Children help pull the nets in, and observe the catch in holding tanks before releasing them back to the bay. Call (732) 292 – 0055 for reservations and fee information.
Here is information about the show according to their website, which you can find HERE:
Adults - $7.00, Senior Citizens - $5.00,
Children 12 and Under Free
All Summer Performances Begin at 8:30 p.m. But people get in line REALLY early, waiting with their chairs outside the box office.
The Box Office opens at 5:30 PM and patrons are admitted to the seating area immediately after purchasing tickets. (It's called the seating area because there are no chairs; you need to bring your own.)
All shows start at 8:30 PM, and then the box office closes at 9 pm. There are no refunds for any reason.
A lot of people drop off their chairs and leave the area, going out for dinner and then coming back closer to the performance time. Or, you can stay; there is a snack bar on the premises, with pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, and snack foods.
IF YOU LEAVE THE SEATING AREA...Please exit through the Gates marked EXIT ONLY (Gates C and D) where your hand will be stamped with an identifying mark. Upon re-entrance through the main gate B you will need to show the stamp to an usher. NO ONE CAN BE RE-ADMITTED WITHOUT A PROPER HAND STAMP.
Patrons must bring their own low-back lawn chairs. Standard size lawn chairs, wood or metal folding chairs, are the only type permitted. The back of the chair may not be higher than 40 inches. High back lawn chairs, beach chairs, chaise lounges and blankets are not permitted. Chairs MAY NOT be left unattended on the paths leading to the Box Office.
Plays-in-the-Park is conveniently located one block south of the Menlo Park Mall off of Route 1, in Edison, N.J. The turn off is called Grandview Avenue. At the top of the short hill make your first right on to Pine Drive and the Park Rangers will guide you to a parking spot.
Weather Policy:
The policy on show cancellations during inclement weather cannot be set in stone as there are many considerations to juggle and the weather is, at best, unpredictable despite the weatherman's predictions. They do not cancel any show due to the anticipation of inclement weather. Depending upon the length of a show, they sometimes "hold" the curtain until as late as 8:45 p.m. and so if the situation is one of "isolated" or "scattered" rainfall they will try to wait until the last possible minute. In situations where the rain has been steady all day and the Doppler shows more to come, they will be forced to cancel. Unfortunately there is no reliable means to get the information on a cancelled show to the public, so if you are coming a good distance, we suggest waiting until the predication is favorable.
If the show is cancelled due to rain, patrons can see another performance by exchanging their rain check stub at the Box Office on the night of subsequent performance. You WILL NOT have to wait in the ticket buyers line to exchange your ticket for that evening's performance --- there will be a separate table set up just for stub holders.
Do not open any closed gate. (All gates are opened by our Staff before intermission)
Do not run in the seating area, especially to put down your chairs..
Do not rearrange your neighbors' chairs.
Do not take flash pictures are fine without flash under stage lighting.
Do refrain from talking during the performance.
Do not smoke in the seating area.
Do use the garbage & recyclable containers that are provided.
Do keep an eye on the little ones.
Do silence your cell phones, and please refrain from talking on the phone.
Do not videotape the performance with video cameras or cell phones.
Do not TEXT during the show --- it will annoy your neighbors.
NO animals allowed except for service animals allowed in the theater seating area
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
More Memories of the Fair
It was impossible for any child to stand still or relax at the Fair. Our bodies were fueled by pizza, fries, soda and pure adrenalin. A combination that could keep any kid wired all night, only to pass out during the car ride home.As we grow up our priorities and reasons to go to the fair change.As teen years took hold, no longer did we go with our parents. The fair "scene" was more towards socializing , checking out what girls ( or boys, depending on your point of view) were there. You weren’t at the fair, the fair is where you happened to be at the time, everybody wanted to be cool.With all the "hang" time, there was the opportunity to try a bigger variety of food. Besides pizza and fries, we now ate ribs, perogies, potato pancakes, corn on the cob, sausage sandwiches, and I am sure a few delicacies I’ve missed. Oh yes, how could I forget clams on the half shell, for the most adventurous individuals. You could always count on the fair’s food to cure even the most intense case of "the munchies", but that’s another story.Rides became something to do as a joke, but secretly it was a way of acting like a goofy kid again, if only for a few minutes. If you were lucky, it was also a great way to be pressed up against a girl you liked and get away with it.There were a couple of years when the drinking age was lowered 18 and there were still no beer fences. Scoring a few beers was always a top priority for the "middle" teen crowd. Beer was passed back from the bar into a sea of youths. The trick was to stay close enough to the bar to have a connection, but not too close as to draw suspicion. This is when everyone went to the fair. If your girl wanted to do a ride or two, the smarter guys did it early in the evening before they were full of food and beer. It was always funny to hear someone puked on a ride at the fair, as long as it wasn’t you.Around this time is when I met a guy (who would turn out to be a life long friend), a fresh graduate from St. Cecilia’s school. An innocent looking cherub- faced fellow with a thick head of curly hair. To protect the guilty, I will refer to him as "Barrel".Barrels’ mother was one of the ladies who stretched the dough for the pizza, and Barrel was a runner in the pizza tent. I ate many free pizzas’ that week. His best scam was going to the beer tent on his break and telling them pitchers were needed for the guys frying the dough. The pitchers of beer never made it back to the pizza tent. We would go in the street behind the game trailers and pass them around trying to get rid of the evidence as fast as we could. Our t-shirts were wet in the front from chugging too fast from the pitchers. I can still picture us staggering around with sticky necks and beer stained shirts. For one week we had more beer than we could drink. "Barrel" was sure a sly one, he proved his worth, and immediately gained our acceptance and respect.After another year or two his mom told him he didn’t have to work the fair anymore. We tried talking him back into it, but he had enough. I was a year older than him, and by now could get served somewhat. So it was my turn to repay the favor, which I did gladly. We were still too young to drive, there were some long walks home when streets and sidewalks moved like they were carnival rides. When the neighborhood started to spin, throwing up was unavoidable. I don’t really remember any real trouble back then, except for a few natural born instigators on both sides of the law.
Heat Alert Advisory
Mayor John E. McCormac today announced that there is a “Heat Alert” advisory for Tues., July 12 thru Thurs., July 14, 2011 as temperatures are expected to climb to near record highs of 100 degrees, combined with extremely high humidity.
As a result of the advisory, Woodbridge Township has established “cooling centers” at various Township facilities at various municipal buildings and senior centers – locations where Senior residents can get air-conditioned relief from the predicted heat and humidity. Residents without air conditioning and who cannot travel should contact the Division on Aging “Beat the Heat” program at 732-855-0600 x5023 or the Woodbridge Police Department at 732-634-7700 for assistance.
As a result of the advisory, Woodbridge Township has established “cooling centers” at various Township facilities at various municipal buildings and senior centers – locations where Senior residents can get air-conditioned relief from the predicted heat and humidity. Residents without air conditioning and who cannot travel should contact the Division on Aging “Beat the Heat” program at 732-855-0600 x5023 or the Woodbridge Police Department at 732-634-7700 for assistance.
Woodbridge Township Cooling Centers are located at the following locations. Residents are urged to contact the Municipal facility to determine hours of operation.
In Iselin - the Iselin Branch Library, 1081 Green Street, Iselin (732) 726-7073
or throughout Woodbridge Township at:
Woodbridge Community Center at the YMCA, 600 Main Street , Woodbridge
Evergreen Senior Center , 400 Inman Avenue , Colonia 732-388-2736
Community Center (Building 20) at the Bunns Lane Housing Development, Bunns Lane , Woodbridge Main Library, 1 George Frederick Plaza
Fords Branch Library, 211 Ford Avenue : 732-726-7071
Henry Inman Branch Library (Colonia), 607 Inman Avenue : 732-726-7072
Woodbridge Health Center , 2 George Frederick Plaza (732-855-0600 x5023)
Woodbridge Town Hall, One Main Street : 732-634-4500
Woodbridge Township residents can contact the Division on Aging directly at 732-855-0600 x5016 or Multi-Services on Aging at the Evergreen Center at 732-382-4700 for more information and referrals to local facilities that can assist residents.
Mayor McCormac suggested that residents look out for neighbors, senior residents, and family members during periods of extreme heat. “If you know someone who may be at risk for heat stress, take a few minutes to check on them periodically throughout the day and night. You may be saving a life,” Mayor McCormac said.
The Division on Aging is again sponsoring the “Beat the Heat” fan donation program. Each summer the Division on Aging reaches out to community associations, the business community, and residents seeking donations of new fans to assist senior residents or low income families without air conditioning or fans. To be eligible to receive a free fan from the “Beat the Heat” program, applicants must be a resident of Woodbridge Township , not have any cooling device or, due to illness and/or disability, cannot leave the residence to go to a cooling center, and complete a request/eligibility form. To apply for the “Beat the Heat” Program, or to donate a fan, contact the Woodbridge Division on Aging, Health Center, 2 George Frederick Plaza at 732-855-0600 x5023 (Mon.-Fri. from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
The Woodbridge Township Office of Emergency Management offered the following “heat alert” suggestions:
- Remain indoors, in a properly ventilated location, as much as possible;
- If you must go out, do so early or late; wear sunscreen and clothing to protect exposed skin;
- Keep a supply of drinking water and prepared foods
- Avoid use of stoves or ovens;
- Avoid outdoor activities; and
- Be a good neighbor and check on family and friends.
Beware of Jury Duty Scam
I received this email this morning. I know everyone gets a lot of emails about scams and things, but I am passing it along here because I believe it, and I also believe that people would fall for it. Please be careful with your personal information like your social security number!
JURY Duty Scam
This has been verified by the FBI (their link is also included below). Please pass this on to everyone in your email address book. It is spreading fast so be prepared should you get this call. Most of us take those summonses for jury duty seriously, but enough people skip out on their civic duty that a new and ominous kind of fraud has surfaced.
The caller claims to be a jury duty coordinator. If you protest that you never received a summons for jury duty, the Scammer asks you for your Social Security number and date of birth so he or she can verify the information and cancel the arrest warrant. Give out any of this information and bingo, your identity was just stolen.
The fraud has been reported so far in 11 states, including Oklahoma , Illinois , and Colorado , AZ and more. This (swindle) is particularly insidious because they use intimidation over the phone to try to bully people into giving information by pretending they are with the court system.
The FBI and the federal court system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites, warning consumers about the fraud.
Check it out here:
And here:
The Quote of the Day
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
-- Groucho Marx (1890 - 1977)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Tonight at the Iselin Fair
We went to the Iselin Fair tonight, mainly for a beer and some pizza. The fair was off to a slow start; half the rides hadn't even shown up yet. There will be more tomorrow, or so I hear. Not a whole lot of people were hanging out in the beer tent. BUT, I had a chance to meet some people and have a nice conversation, and the pizza was all in all, it was a good night! :)

Tonight is the opening night of the Iselin Fair. Will you be there? If you are, try the pizza, everyone around here raves about it! :)
More memories of the Iselin Fair
More of Brian Lanigan's memories of the Iselin Fair, from his Green Street Videos blog:
In childhood years, we went with our parents or older siblings. You would see friends from school and quickly try to outdo each other by the amount of rides, or which rides you went on that night. Of course, "The Bullet" was a right of passage for every red blooded American Iselin kid. Even if you never went on it again, you had to try the bullet once.
Of all my rides on the bullet, only one stands out, my first time when I was around 10 or 11. I starting working on my parents a week or two before the Fair even started. Convincing them I was old enough and wouldn’t get hurt was no small feat.
The year before, my father almost became ill after a wild ride on the tilt a whirl with me, which left my mother not too hip to the whole ride scene. But, I was ready to have the "I rode the bullet" notch on my belt and said I’d go it alone. As the bullet started to move, corkscrewing to the sky, I thought maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
While sitting in my cage at the top of the Bullet while it stopped to load the bottom car, I was facing Flips and desperately trying to regain my composure. Above the din of the fair, I heard a loud rumbling. It sounded like thousands of metal garbage cans falling from the sky and bouncing off the ground. Holding on as tight as I could, I leaned forward and scanned the area trying to find the source of this intense sound.
There it was directly in front of me, a gleaming white old hot rod stuck in traffic between me and Flips.
I was frozen like a deer in headlights. The words "Running Scared" were boldly written in very large letters across the side of the car. A rainbow of lights from the fair rides reflected off it’s shiny paint and it’s angry-sounding engine that looked much too large for the car. Beneath it’s chopped top, I could not see the people inside, which only added to it’s mystique.
This was no showroom-bought, cookie-cutter, racing striped hotrod that I saw on T.V. commercials. This was the real deal. I had always thought cars like this were only in magazines or some mythical town in California. My heart started racing; a feeling you only have a few times in your life. It was surreal.
After wanting so badly to be on the bullet, at that moment I wished I was on the
ground so I could run over and get a closer look. Maybe I could go for a ride? Hey, I was 10, what did I know?
Just then the ride started to move, and when I came around again the car was gone. It had roared off into the night. Sometimes the most unexpected moments are the ones you never forget, snap shots burned so deep in your memory that they never fade.
The Mayor's Summer Concert Series
Tonight is the Mayor's Summer Concert Series, which is held
every Monday night in July and August at 7:30 p.m. on the stage behind Woodbridge High School.
Tonight's music is the “Brooklyn Reunion Show”
Featuring The Classics, The Passions and The Mystics.
Here's a sample from You Tube...
Seating is not provided, so remember to bring a lawn chair or
blankets and donate a non-perishable food item for a chance to
win the Summer Concert Grand Prize.
every Monday night in July and August at 7:30 p.m. on the stage behind Woodbridge High School.
Tonight's music is the “Brooklyn Reunion Show”
Featuring The Classics, The Passions and The Mystics.
Here's a sample from You Tube...
Seating is not provided, so remember to bring a lawn chair or
blankets and donate a non-perishable food item for a chance to
win the Summer Concert Grand Prize.
The Quote of the Day
Life is eternal, and love is immortal,
and death is only a horizon;
and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.
and death is only a horizon;
and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.
~Rossiter Worthington Raymond
Rest In Peace
Rest in Peace, Gabrielle Chiu. Gabrielle was a 17 year old resident of Iselin who passed away on July 8th. She will be missed by many people.
Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. on Monday at the Costello-Koyen Funeral Home, 399 Avenel Street, Avenel. A Mass of Resurrection will be held on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. at Saint Cecelia’s Catholic Church, Iselin. Interment will follow the mass at Graceland Memorial Park, Kenilworth.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Gabrielle’s memory to the Collier High School Music Department, c/o Costello-Koyen Funeral Home, P.O. Box 101, Avenel, NJ 07001.
HERE is the link for the obituary.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
From the 7-11 facebook page:
Our Birthday, Your BashSo don't forget to run to a 7-11 tomorrow for your free slurpee! I wonder if they'll be able to keep up with the demand?
Stop by for a FREE 7.11 oz Slurpee drink, general merriment and a one-man dance party should you choose to start it. “Running Man” and “Raising the Roof” welcome. “Macarena” NOT welcome.
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